Friday, September 24, 2004

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is once again upon us. And I, like so many Jews and non-Jews alike, hate not to eat.

Yom Kippur in Israel is a bit different. Nobody drives. I mean, NOBODY. People walk to synagogue in the middle of the street. Sure, the sidewalks are empty, but you can walk in the middle of the street without getting hit by a car, for chrissakes! That's something to experience! On normal days, you can't even get that guarantee if you're on the sidewalk! Hell, you can't even get that guarantee if you live in a ground floor apartment.

We atone for our sins on Yom Kippur. Compared to our current government, my sins are so miniscule it doesn't even seem justified to fast!

Let's pray next year will be better. Let's pray the Palestinians will wake up and say, "Hey! This murdering stuff ain't getting us anywhere!" Or "Hey, you mean we're starving to death, and Yasser Arafat's wife is getting $100,000 a month spending money?! What's THAT all about." Let's pray Arik Sharon starts caring about all of us that live INSIDE the Green Line. Let's pray the Likud can become honest. Let's pray Labor WAKES UP! Let's pray we can go for more than three weeks without a labor union strike. Let's pray Shinui draws the line somewhere. ANYWHERE!

Well, it's worth a shot. Right?

My next post will be after I get rid of my caffeine withdrawal headache.


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