Thursday, August 19, 2004

Moron Of The Week

Well, it's that time again. A new inductee into the Moron Of The Week Hall Of Shame.

And this week's hands-down winner is Rabbi David Saperstein. Saperstein is presumably the head of the Reform movement's Religious Action Center. Evidently it doesn't take a genius (or anyone with any common sense) to fill this post.

You see, Rabbi Saperstein has petitioned a letter to the Congress of the United States to refrain from passing one-sided pro-Israel resolutions. I'm guessing this is because the rest of the world is so pro-Israel, we don't need the United States. It would look too unfair?

Of course, the American branch of Peace Now hails this action as a major victory. For those of you who are not familiar with the Peace Now movement, they're the ones that believe we really only need Tel Aviv (and not all of Tel Aviv...just a few choice hotels along the beach will be fine if that's okay), and the rest we should give to the Arabs. Saperstein, on his few visits to Israel, has stayed in those hotels, and agrees.

Reform Judaism has always had a tough time establishing a foothold in Israel. There is a common phrase in Israel that goes, "The synagogue I don't go to is Orthodox". Reform, in its early days, were anti-Zionist, and they spent a good many years trying to distance themselves from that stereo-type and become Zionist. Reform has tried to become recognized as far as marriage ceremonies and even conversions in Israel. They have tried to become a place for Israelis to go to worship. Now thanks to Rabbi Dave that just ain't gonna happen.

Thanks to Rabbi Saperstein, he has single-handedly set Reform Judaism back ten steps.

Nice goin'...........moron.

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