Sunday, August 08, 2004

A Dangerous Place To Live

I know by reading the title of this blog most people outside of Israel will think I'm talking about Israel. After all, family and friends alike shy away from visiting me here because I live "in such a dangerous place". People usually begin their emails to me with a phrase similar to "hope you're safe". Tourists that come here are considered either brave, crazy, or both.

On the other hand...if you listen to Israelis converse, you'll hear something quite different. You see, we know it's safe here. We know it's actually safer here than anywhere in the States. I have heard more than a few times a conversation that went, "You're taking a trip to the U.S.? Are you nuts? Please, be careful!" Between the terrorist alerts, the rampant crime, drive-by shootings...and more terrorist alerts...I'll stick to Jerusalem.

Last Wednesday night I was on Ben-Yehuda in the heart of downtown Jerusalem. Throngs of people were out and participating in a street fair. Was security high? Obviously. Did I notice it? Not at all.

So, for all of you staying away from Israel because of "the situation"...hope you're happy underneath your bed. Oh...and don't get out. Osama is watching YOU!

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